HOME > レトロマンスリー



Experience the atmosphere with warm light of lampshade and antique furniture.
Discover the texture of natural wood floor painted in Kaki-shibu-nuri (persimmon tannin coat), known as an ancient Japanese coating material.
Make your stay in Kyoto more exquisite by staying at Retro Monthly.



Antique furniture from atelier in Kyoto. We are proud to introduce antique furniture from atelier in Kyoto. Our rooms are designed with antique furniture selected by our specialists.



Make your stay more comfortable with our room amenities! Room amenities include refrigerator / microwave / oven / hair dryer and more. We also offer washing machine in public space, perfect for long-term stay.

1ヶ月からご契約いただけます。For monthly stays

水道、光熱費込み / 仲介手数料不要

Utilities expense included/Free of agent's commission
House cleaning fee (10,500 JPY) will be charged at the time of departure.

1ヶ月 68,000円 68,000JPY/month

株式会社ルームマーケット 〒606-8336 京都市左京区岡崎北御所町56-4 電話 075-752-0416 FAX 075-752-2262
AM10:00〜PM6:30 定休日はこちら E-mail:info@roommarket.jp
宅地建物取引業 京都府知事(3)11495号・二級建築士事務所 京都府知事登録(25B)第02171号・建築業許可 京都府知事許可(般-18)第36810 pagetop
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